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Showing posts from 2015

A taste of bittersweet

It's been a while, and I'm writing this blog again~ 我們已經過了好幾個月了? 我最近實在太忙得不得了。 這個月對我來說非常得重要,因為我妹回來了! 跟她聊到晚,跟她玩到累,都做了。 昨天晚上她總於回去德國了,雖然我很難過,但是我知道這次她要學地更努力了,所以我跟我父母都要堅持她, 開開心心地送她到飛機場。 再見小妹! 要加油! 不要放棄! This time I finally face the bitter of farewell for the second time, but I know crying isnt the way to face this aches. what i should think is that, we are fighting the same goal, studying as far as we can so that we can reach what we should be, and through (the smal small us) by the mercy of God, He can use us as the instrument in the society, through us, people can know Jesus, and of course its all the grace of God. fighting in the same team, our hearts will be knotted together, nvermind the missess, the loneliness, lets see up ahead! P.S gonna miss u lotsssssss to Lia from Lina

Another step of life; work and sleep.

Hi There! Long time no see! Its been months! I'm so disapointed of myself, who haveno time to think about my blog. This blog used to be a space where i can practice my chinese, and i did, but it seems that after I went back to Indonesia (my country) I never had a chance to practice my chinese, especially writing. (I didnt make the chance to start practicing) :( (whoopsie..) And so, here I am, at my office, welcome to the work-and-go-home cycle! Where we have to work and then go home and rest, and wake up again to go to work again. Now this is the time to share, how I make everyday different, well i didnt do something VERY different, like, EVERYDAY, but I need a hope, a goal, a life that would define me as a christian. (Of course as a christian, part of my identity). Well, firstly... I did have several weeks I spent to talk to my taiwanese friend, practicing my mandarin at night, every wednesday (Thanks to her). And then I put a goal every month, I want to read the Bible in ch