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Another step of life; work and sleep.

Hi There!

Long time no see! Its been months! I'm so disapointed of myself, who haveno time to think about my blog. This blog used to be a space where i can practice my chinese, and i did, but it seems that after I went back to Indonesia (my country) I never had a chance to practice my chinese, especially writing. (I didnt make the chance to start practicing) :( (whoopsie..)

And so, here I am, at my office, welcome to the work-and-go-home cycle! Where we have to work and then go home and rest, and wake up again to go to work again. Now this is the time to share, how I make everyday different, well i didnt do something VERY different, like, EVERYDAY, but I need a hope, a goal, a life that would define me as a christian. (Of course as a christian, part of my identity).

Well, firstly... I did have several weeks I spent to talk to my taiwanese friend, practicing my mandarin at night, every wednesday (Thanks to her). And then I put a goal every month, I want to read the Bible in chinese (since I already can read a lot of han zi, I can start a lot easier to read them), and also I REALLY WANT TO MEMORIZE the Lord's Prayer in Matthew 6 in mandarin! :)

Secondly, not just chinese, actually I've downloaded an app where I can learn basic cantonese! Since my cousin is from hongkong, they speak cantonese and mandarin, so later when I met them, i wish i can speak cantonese with them. Well this is 'just' a goal, a dream, where until now i havent start learning the language -_- (Thats me, always dreaming and not starting)!

Thirdly, my other goal, is to pray. Well all Christian pray, and I wanted to pray also in mandarin or in english. Actually when I started praying in english (in a Prayer meeting in Taipei) I felt wonderful, different, and I realized I am able to express different things from different language in a prayer! what a grace! God gave us languages to speak to Him and also to spread His Love , and I have this priviledge to speak more than 1 language, so I need to use more of this gift right? :)

well, in short, these 3 languages taht I've learn in my whole life, makes my life kinda different. I hope these God-given-dreams not just a dream, but I pray that God give me the power to continuously work on these gift responsibly, and live a useful life, knowing God more and more, and glorify God through (the small small) me. Amen.

Sincerely Yours,

Adelina Arif
